 * Maze
 * Copyright (C) 2000  Paul Davis, pdavis@lpccomp.bc.ca
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

import java.util.*;

 * A maze.
 * Holds the maze layout, the finish location and the current player location.
 * The maze is three dimensions, but acts like a two dimensional maze if
 * the Z dimension has a size of 1.
 * Each cell contains a bitmap representing which exits are available
 * from that cell.  The exits are known as XPL,XMI,YPL,YMI,ZPL,ZMI
 * representing a plus and minus direction exit in each of the 3 dimensions.
 * The maze is created such that adjoining cells share openings so that
 * the "doorway" is two directional.  There are no exits around the outside
 * of the maze.  The finish is just a designated cell.
public class Maze implements MazeModel {

	private int xdim,ydim,zdim,max;
	//private static int[] bias = { 0, 5, 2, 3, 1, 1, 1 };
	private static int[] bias = { 0, 100, 100, 100, 100, 1, 1 };
	private byte[] maze;
	private Coordinate3D finish,current;
	private Vector mazeListeners;

	 * Contruct a new maze with the given dimensions.
	 * @param xdim The x dimension of the maze.
	 * @param ydim The y dimension of the maze.
	 * @param zdim The z dimension of the maze.  Use 1 for a 2D maze.
	public Maze(int xdim, int ydim, int zdim) {
		this.xdim = xdim;
		this.ydim = ydim;
		this.zdim = zdim;
		max = xdim*ydim*zdim;
		maze = new byte[max];
		finish = null;
		current = null;
		mazeListeners = new Vector();
	 * Contruct a new maze with the given dimensions.
	 * @param size The 3D size of the maze.
	public Maze(Coordinate3D size) {
		this(size.x, size.y, size.z);

	 * Get the size of this maze.
	 * @return The 3D size of the maze.
	public Coordinate3D getSize() {
		return new Coordinate3D(xdim,ydim,zdim);

	 * Put or remove a "I've been here" marker in a cell.
	 * @param position The cell position.
	 * @param mark True to place a mark, False to remove a mark.
	public void setMark(Coordinate3D position, boolean mark) {
		if ( mark )
			maze[position.z*ydim*xdim + position.y*xdim + position.x] &= ~MazeModel.MARK;

	 * Clear the maze layout.
	 * Fills in all the walls.
	private void clearGrid() {
		for ( int i=0 ; i<max ; i++ )
			maze[i] = MazeModel.WALLS;

	 * Get the given cell walls and status.
	 * @param x The x co-ordinate.
	 * @param y The y co-ordinate.
	 * @param z The z co-ordinate.
	 * @return The cell status, MARK if an invalid cell co-ordinate.
	public byte grid(int x, int y, int z) {
		if ( x>=xdim || x<0 || y>=ydim || y<0 || z>=zdim || z<0 )
		return maze[z*ydim*xdim + y*xdim + x];

	 * Get the given cell walls and status.
	 * @param c The 3D co-ordinate of the desired cell.
	 * @return The cell status, MARK if an invalid cell co-ordinate.
	public byte grid(Coordinate3D c) {
		return grid(c.x, c.y, c.z);

	 * Set where the finish cell is.
	 * @param finish The 3D co-ordinate of the end of the maze.
	public void setFinish(Coordinate3D finish) {
		this.finish = finish;

	 * Make a random finish location.
	public void setRandomFinish() {
		Random random = new Random();
		finish = new Coordinate3D(
	 * Get the maze finish cell location.
	 * May be null if one hasn't been set.
	public Coordinate3D getFinish() {
		return finish;

	 * Get the current player co-ordinate.
	 * @return The 3D co-ordinate of the player in the maze.
	public Coordinate3D getCurrent() {
		return current;

	 * Set the current player co-ordinate.
	 * @param current The 3D co-ordinate of the player in the maze.
	public void setCurrent(Coordinate3D current) {
		this.current = current;

	 * Check if the given cell has an "I've been here" marker.
	 * @param position The 3D co-ordinate of the cell to check.
	 * @return True if a marker has been placed.
	public boolean isMarked(Coordinate3D position) {
		return ( (grid(position) & MazeModel.MARK) != 0 );

	 * Get a String representation of the given direction.
	 * @param direction One of MazeModel.XMI,XPL,YMI,YPL,ZMI,ZPL.
	 * @return A String representation of one of the above.
	public static String directionString(byte direction) {
		if ( (direction&MazeModel.XMI) != 0 )
			return "XMI";
		if ( (direction&MazeModel.XPL) != 0 )
			return "XPL";
		if ( (direction&MazeModel.YMI) != 0 )
			return "YMI";
		if ( (direction&MazeModel.YPL) != 0 )
			return "YPL";
		if ( (direction&MazeModel.ZMI) != 0 )
			return "ZMI";
		if ( (direction&MazeModel.ZPL) != 0 )
			return "ZPL";
		return "???";

	 * Get a representation of the walls of the current cell.
	 * @param x The x co-ordinate.
	 * @param y The x co-ordinate.
	 * @param z The x co-ordinate.
	 * @return A String made up of X+,X-,Y+,Y- etc.
	private String gridString(int x, int y, int z) {
		byte val = grid(x,y,z);
		StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer();
		if ( (val & MazeModel.XMI) != 0 )
		if ( (val & MazeModel.XPL) != 0 )
		if ( (val & MazeModel.YMI) != 0 )
		if ( (val & MazeModel.YPL) != 0 )
		if ( (val & MazeModel.ZMI) != 0 )
		if ( (val & MazeModel.ZPL) != 0 )
		if ( (val & MazeModel.MARK) != 0 )
		return out.toString();

	 * Store the value (MazeModel.XPL etc.) into the cell.
	 * @param x The x co-ordinate.
	 * @param y The x co-ordinate.
	 * @param z The x co-ordinate.
	 * @param value The bitmap value: XPL, MARK, etc.
	private final void put(int x,int y,int z,byte value) {
		maze[z*ydim*xdim + y*xdim + x] |= value;

	 * Store the value (XPL etc.) into the cell.
	 * @param pos The 3D co-ordinate.
	 * @param value The bitmap value: XPL, MARK, etc.
	private final void put(Coordinate3D pos,byte value) {
		maze[pos.z*ydim*xdim + pos.y*xdim + pos.x] |= value;

	 * Count how many open walls there are in the cell value.
	 * @param val The internal value representing the cell.
	 * @return The number of open walls (0 thru 6).
	public static final int count(int val) {
		int cnt;

		cnt = 0;
		val &= 077;
		cnt += val&1;
		cnt += (val>>=1)&1;
		cnt += (val>>=1)&1;
		cnt += (val>>=1)&1;
		cnt += (val>>=1)&1;
		cnt += (val>>=1)&1;
		//System.out.println("count: val " +
		//	String.valueOf(val) +
		//	"=" + String.valueOf(cnt));
		return cnt;

	 * Create a random maze.
	public void create() {
		int[] listx,listy,listz;
		int cells = 1;
		int top = 0;
		int x,y,z;
		int tmp,pickcount,cnt,choice;
		int[] pick = new int[6];
		Random random = new Random();

		listx = new int[max];
		listy = new int[max];
		listz = new int[max];
		listx[0] = (xdim-1)/2;
		listy[0] = (ydim-1)/2;
		listz[0] = (zdim-1)/2;

		while ( top >= 0 ) {
			x = listx[top]; 
			y = listy[top]; 
			z = listz[top];

			//System.out.println("Create at " +
			//	String.valueOf(x) +
			//	"," + String.valueOf(y) +
			//	"," + String.valueOf(z) +
			//	" level " + String.valueOf(top) +
			//	" grid " + gridString(x,y,z));

			if ( grid(x,y,z) != 0 ) {

			if ( cells > 1 ) {
				pickcount = cnt = 0;
				if ( (tmp = bias[count(grid(x+1,y,z))]) != 0)
				pick[0] = (pickcount += tmp);
				if ( (tmp = bias[count(grid(x-1,y,z))]) != 0)
				pick[1] = (pickcount += tmp);
				if ( (tmp = bias[count(grid(x,y+1,z))]) != 0)
				pick[2] = (pickcount += tmp);
				if ( (tmp = bias[count(grid(x,y-1,z))]) != 0)
				pick[3] = (pickcount += tmp);
				if ( (tmp = bias[count(grid(x,y,z+1))]) != 0)
				pick[4] = (pickcount += tmp);
				if ( (tmp = bias[count(grid(x,y,z-1))]) != 0)
				pick[5] = (pickcount += tmp);
			else {
				for ( int i=0 ; i<4 ; i++ )
					pick[i] = i+1;
				pickcount = cnt = 4;

			if ( cnt == 0 ) {

			choice = Math.abs(random.nextInt()%pickcount);
			//System.out.println("choice=" + String.valueOf(choice));
			//System.out.println("pick 0=" + String.valueOf(pick[0]) +
			//	" 1=" + String.valueOf(pick[1]) +
			//	" 2=" + String.valueOf(pick[2]) +
			//	" 3=" + String.valueOf(pick[3]) +
			//	" 4=" + String.valueOf(pick[4]) +
			//	" 5=" + String.valueOf(pick[5]));
			if ( pick[0] > choice ) {
			else if ( pick[1] > choice ) {
			else if ( pick[2] > choice ) {
			else if ( pick[3] > choice ) {
			else if ( pick[4] > choice ) {
			else if ( pick[5] > choice ) {
			printf("new val %o\n",grid(x,y,z));

			if ( grid(x-1,y,z) == MazeModel.WALLS ) {
				listx[top] = x-1; listy[top] = y; listz[top] = z;
			if ( grid(x+1,y,z) == MazeModel.WALLS ) {
				listx[top] = x+1; listy[top] = y; listz[top] = z;
			if ( grid(x,y-1,z) == MazeModel.WALLS ) {
				listx[top] = x; listy[top] = y-1; listz[top] = z;
			if ( grid(x,y+1,z) == MazeModel.WALLS ) {
				listx[top] = x; listy[top] = y+1; listz[top] = z;
			if ( grid(x,y,z-1) == MazeModel.WALLS ) {
				listx[top] = x; listy[top] = y; listz[top] = z-1;
			if ( grid(x,y,z+1) == MazeModel.WALLS ) {
				listx[top] = x; listy[top] = y; listz[top] = z+1;
			//System.out.println("top=" + String.valueOf(top));


	 * Return the opposite direction.
	 * @param value One of XPL,XMI,YPL,YMI,ZPL,ZMI.
	 * @return One of XMI,XPL,YMI,YPL,ZMI,ZPL.
	public static byte invert(byte value) {
		switch (value)  {
		case MazeModel.XPL:       return(MazeModel.XMI);
		case MazeModel.XMI:       return(MazeModel.XPL);
		case MazeModel.YPL:       return(MazeModel.YMI);
		case MazeModel.YMI:       return(MazeModel.YPL);
		case MazeModel.ZPL:       return(MazeModel.ZMI);
		case MazeModel.ZMI:       return(MazeModel.ZPL);
		return 0;

	 * Move between cells in a maze.
	 * Does not check for walls or maze edges.
	 * @param c The 3D co-ordinate to start from.
	 * @param direction The direction to go, one of XPL,XMI etc.
	 * @return The ending 3D co-ordinate.
	public static Coordinate3D forward(Coordinate3D c, byte direction) {
		switch (direction)    {
		case MazeModel.XPL:       c.x++; break;
		case MazeModel.XMI:       c.x--; break;
		case MazeModel.YPL:       c.y++; break;
		case MazeModel.YMI:       c.y--; break;
		case MazeModel.ZPL:       c.z++; break;
		case MazeModel.ZMI:       c.z--; break;
		return c;

	 * Check and see if movement is possible.
	 * @param current The 3D co-ordinate to start from.
	 * @param direction The direction to go, one of XPL,XMI etc.
	 * @return True if movement possible, false if blocked by a wall.
	public boolean isOpen(Coordinate3D current,byte direction) {
		return (grid(current) & direction) != 0;

	 * Solve the maze from a given start position.
	 * @param start The 3D co-ordinate to start from.
	 * @return A Stack of 3D co-ordinates giving the path from
	 *	the given start to the known finish.
	public Stack solve(Coordinate3D start) {
		Stack stack = new Stack();
		Coordinate3D current = start;
		for ( int i=0 ; i<stack.size() ; i++ ) {
			current = (Coordinate3D)stack.elementAt(i);
			System.out.println(String.valueOf(i) + " " +
		return stack;

	 * A recursive routine to find the finish.
	 * @param stack The current Stack of moves from the start.
	 * @param position The current cell position in the search.
	 * @param dir The direction we used to move into the cell
	 *	to prevent overlapping the path.
	 * @return True if a path to the finish was found.
	private boolean solveCell(Stack stack,Coordinate3D position,byte dir) {
		System.out.println("searching " + position.toString() +
			" " + directionString(dir));
		if ( position == finish )
			return true;
		byte from = invert(dir);

		if ( isOpen(position,MazeModel.XPL) && from != MazeModel.XPL )
			if ( solveCell(stack,forward(new Coordinate3D(position),MazeModel.XPL),MazeModel.XPL) )
				return true;
		if ( isOpen(position,MazeModel.XMI) && from != MazeModel.XMI )
			if ( solveCell(stack,forward(new Coordinate3D(position),MazeModel.XPL),MazeModel.XMI) )
				return true;
		if ( isOpen(position,MazeModel.YPL) && from != MazeModel.YPL )
			if ( solveCell(stack,forward(new Coordinate3D(position),MazeModel.YPL),MazeModel.YPL) )
				return true;
		if ( isOpen(position,MazeModel.YMI) && from != MazeModel.YMI )
			if ( solveCell(stack,forward(new Coordinate3D(position),MazeModel.YMI),MazeModel.YMI) )
				return true;
		if ( isOpen(position,MazeModel.ZPL) && from != MazeModel.XPL )
			if ( solveCell(stack,forward(new Coordinate3D(position),MazeModel.ZPL),MazeModel.ZPL) )
				return true;
		if ( isOpen(position,MazeModel.ZMI) && from != MazeModel.ZMI )
			if ( solveCell(stack,forward(new Coordinate3D(position),MazeModel.ZMI),MazeModel.ZMI) )
				return true;
		return false;

	 * Add a MazeListener.
	 * An event is fired when the maze is created or when the
	 * finish or current positions change.
	 * @param l A MazeListener to listen for maze changes.
	public void addMazeListener(MazeListener l) {

	 * Remove a MazeListener.
	 * @param l The MazeListener to remove.
	public void removeMazeListener(MazeListener l) {

	 * Fire a change in the maze.
	protected void fireChange() {
		for ( int i=mazeListeners.size()-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- ) {
			MazeListener l = (MazeListener)mazeListeners.elementAt(i);
			l.mazeChanged(new EventObject(this));